245/365: McClure Meadow: Starlight.

Go ahead and click it. You know you want to make it bigger. More, after the jump, including a mystery photo.

So that's the same meadow shot, now well after dark. I set up a timelapse shortly after taking this picture, framed a little to the right. Looking back through the frames now, I have found a strange picture. It may not seem strange at first, but let me explain. There's a light in the frame that seems to travel from the top of the mountain in the distance all the way to the grasses on the other side of the river. The shutter speed was set to 25 seconds, with a 30 second interval set on my intervalometer, so the shutter would open for 25 seconds, close for 5 seconds, then take another exposure. It looks at first like a headlamp might if someone walked through the frame, but the distance would be impossible to cover in 25 seconds. The frame preceding this one has no evidence of the light, and the one after it has a little bit up on the top of the mountain, but nothing like this one. There are no cars, no roads, anywhere near here. Click the picture to view it at full size, it may take a second to load it all up. Can anyone tell me what this is? I have a theory, but that's all, and I want to hear what you think. The fact is, it's downright creepy to me.

Update: After another look at the preceding frame in the timelapse, I found one small, almost pixel-sized light in the hills far away that isn't there in other shots, and therefore I'm pretty sure is NOT a noisey pixel (which there are a lot of in these long JPEG exposures). It may not be related, but I'm posting the small and large version so you, dear reader, have all the facts and besides, it gives you the shot WITHOUT the big mystery light so you can see where it is actually appearing. The little light is circled below.
