119/365: Oceanic 815119/365: Oceanic 815.

The month of April, my 4th in this quest they call the 365, has been rife with late postings and catchup days. Initially, it was a workload, and workflow, issue: too busy with other, real, paying client type work to get to it everyday, coupled with my somewhat tedious and multi-step process for posting these shots, which is no fun after a day of busting ass...hit the jump for the real problem.

But then, enter a new problem, and a wicked time-suck...LOST. Never watched an episode till late March. We don't own a TV! I of course have heard about the show, and the zeal of the fans. I knew it was a bad idea, but there it was on Hulu: all the episodes, ever. So we thought we'd see what the fuss was about.

A month later, Wife and I emerge from the house, bleary-eyed, near-albinoc skin, and emotionally drained from the 5th season finale. Hulu doesn't have the first few episodes of the 6th and final season posted anymore, so now the addiction can be abated for a time...until come the day, when we'll have ourselves a nice little overdose party as Season Six drops on Netflix.
